About Us

We are your go-to online store.

Welcome to LUXURY-OEM, a premium online bag store that offers high-quality replica designer bags and belts. We know that owning a luxury handbag is a dream for most women, but the price of authentic luxury handbags is prohibitive. That's why we offer an affordable solution for luxury bags. At LUXURY-OEM, we offer 1:1 mirrored designer replicas that are nearly identical to the originals. We have been in the counterfeit designer bag industry for many years and can offer you high-quality replica bags at the best quality and competitive prices.

We work with many famous fake bag factories to produce high-quality fake bags for almost all luxury brands. We sell only the best quality replica bags and offer AAA replica handbags, shoulder bags, totes, clutches, buckets, etc. at competitive prices. Compared to authentic Louis Vuitton bags, our replica bags are priced at only 1/10 of the authentic price.

We pride ourselves on being a trustworthy online store that offers quality replica bags, belts, and more. We have all the classic style bags you want, including LV Onthego Tote, Gucci Marmont Shoulder Bag, Speedy 25, Chanel Flap Bag, Boy Channel Bag, and Lady Dior. If you can't find the fake bag you want, please contact us. We will do our best to solve your problem.

We sell 1:1 mirrored designer replicas and carefully check each Louis Vuitton replica before shipping to ensure there are no defects. We can send you photos and videos before shipping so that you can check your fake handbag before shipping. If you don't like the fake handbag in the pictures we sent you, you can ask for a refund.

At LUXURY-OEM, our goal is to build a long-term cooperative relationship with you by providing the best quality and service in exchange for your trust. We know that many fake bag websites are of poor quality, and we have checked the materials and details of major brands, including YSL bags, Louis Vuitton bags, Gucci bags, Christian Dior bags, Chanel bags, and other Bottega Veneta bag replicas.

In conclusion, we are a reputable and trustworthy online store that offers high-quality replica bags at competitive prices. We have been in the replica designer bags industry for many years and have many satisfied customers. Our replica bags are of the best quality and we provide excellent customer service. At LUXURY-OEM, you can enjoy luxury designer bags without breaking your budget.

Contact Us

◉ If you have any questions after buying, please contact us first. Any problem can be solved perfectly.
Email: [email protected]
WhatsApp: +8613376983762